Rapid - Top Down Shooter
The fourth and final prototype in our Rapid Games Prototyping module was a top down shooter framework, it was given to us with very basic functionality, with little in the way of resources and premade assets to use, which presented the opportunity to put everything we have learnt this year to use. By default, the prototype contained a small room on a beach, containing only a player, with premade animations and a very basic character controller. Other than that, everything was left down to me to create.
About The Project

I took heavy inspiration from similar games I have played such as Enter the Gungeon and Hotline Miami, taking elements such as their interesting weapon mechanics or
style choices for my own use. I started off by creating a path leading out of the starting zone, and begun creating my first, very simple enemy: Syd the squid.
This enemy was largely to act as a supporting enemy, with a few dotted around as environmental hazards during busier fights. All it was really capable of was
firing a shot of ink forwards periodically, which would be destroyed after travelling too far, or collidign with a wall. I created a health component and projectile scripts to lay
the foundation for very simple combat. I wanted to focus on having a functional game before adding deeper mechanics. Once these were made,
I ensured that the enemy could hit the player with projectiles, and begun work on the players weapon system.
The weapon system was the aspect of the game I wanted to spend the most time on refining, I planned from the very beginning to have a series of upgraes players could find that gave weapons new functionality,
this was something I managed to do, giving each weapon the ability to be used in several ways. Possible upgrades included new bullet effects such as fire damage, alternate fire modes,
stat upgrades, no reloads etc. This allowed players to be able to have a relatively unique feeling weapon each run, they were free to experiment and find what works for them personally.
I made sure each upgrade, including combinations, worked and felt fun, if I expand on this framewrok in the future, I plan on adding many more upgrades to enhance this unique feeling.
These upgrades were acquired by colliding with a weapon upgrade item, which could be found either scattered around the level, or as a rare drop from enemies. A UI element would then display
the two choices and when one was clicked on, it would upgrade the players weapon.

Then there was the boss: A large Minotaur. I sourced sprites from online and created a script, more fleshed out than the typical enemy one, to allow the boss to chase the player, attacking periodically. Attacks would be chosen at random from a group dependent on the distance from the player. From upclose, it could swing its axe overhead, spin it round 360 degrees, or simply jab at the player. From a high enough distance, it would opt to instead either charge at the player, stopping on hit or after 3 seconds, or spawn a wave of bats to assault the player. The bats served as a great way to add another element of challenge, while also serving to help the player by providing them with essential resources such as health and ammo, so they still have a fighting chance if the boss fight was long. Each attack had it's own damage, animations, behaviours and timings, giving a unique sense and ensuring the fight felt very differently when handled from different ranges.

Overall Grade: 1st